Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Inventory clear out sale!

I'm wanting to make a brand new line of puppets so next month I'm thinking of going to an all new lower price of $250 on the puppets to sell all the ones I already have made! I only have six puppets completed which are; slappy, Freddy, old man, red villain, blue super hero, and Sammy 2nd edition! It's a good steal for the collector, performer, or just to resell at a higher price! I'm waiting til all these sell before making different ones!

Friday, July 26, 2013

I didn't see that one!

I have been showing the puppets off that I have made and a lot of the people tells me that Ezmerelda the gypsy looks more like Michael Jackson. Wow! I never really looked at her like that but I can see what they are talking about! If she had different clothes and the wig for it she would! I might have to give her a make over for it and fully see if they are all right!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What a bargain!

I am putting these two on eBay together for $500 plus shipping of probably $40 or less! Get them now while they last!

The brainy red villain!

Here is the red villain as promised today! He is also being put on eBay and YouTube today!

The new 2nd edition Sammy!

Well just as I promised; here is the new Sammy with his make over! Hope you like it! He is being put on eBay and YouTube right now for you to check our also!

Monday, July 22, 2013

A big surprise today!

One of my youngest nieces is turning 1 this month and I brought out the newest puppets to show my brother in law. The oldest daughter is horrified of the puppets, but the youngest just loved them! She kept telling them hi and trying to talk to the puppets and trying to hold it! i sure wish i understood what she was saying to them other than hi! Made me a very proud uncle! Maybe I should start her a collection of the basic ones! Who knows she might be the next Jeff Dunham! I can dream big for her! Ha ha ha!!!

Running late still!

I was really busy Sunday and didn't get to finish the puppets until today; then it's my little brothers birthday! Happy Birthday Bubby your 24! How time has flown by! I do promise to get the puppets on tomorrow about 1pm! They are done and ready for the pictures to be taken and just put on eBay and YouTube but I have to run my dad to the eye doctor in the morning then I will get them on by 1 or 2 at the latest!

Friday, July 19, 2013

The new job

Sorry I haven't posted anything for a few days; this new job has kept me preoccupied but I promise to post something Sunday! I will also be listing the red villain Sunday after church on eBay as well!

Monday, July 15, 2013

2 hands sets is better than 1

I got the hands out of the molds this morning and sanded them and now am ready to put more magic sculpt on the parts that left a hole and sand them again tonight and then paint them for each figure!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Let me lend you a hand!

I thought I had enough hands made for the three puppets I have been working on but I am one set short so I had to grab the mold for them! The top picture shows the Hand still in the rubber latex not quite dry enough to take out of the mold and the second picture shows the mother mold standing beside the rubber latex molds that still has the hands in them until tomorrow morning probably! Lets hope there isn't a lot to refill on the hands when they come out!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The new Sammy!

I mentioned that I was redoing Sammy because he was the very first 
professional puppet that I did and I thought he looked so plain! Here he is now! He has eye lids and some flesh color to him and some freckles! I think it makes him look so much younger!

Brainy red villain!

I've been working hard on the puppets! Here is the brainy red villain without his iris in the eyeball or his suit and body! It will probably be tomorrow before he is on eBay but he will be there! He's definitely an original!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Well another problem happened while I was working on the red villain; every time I tried to put a brass rod to move the eyes it wouldn't work! I decided to go route #2 and put the pull strings to move the eyes left and right! It's still self centering but only with strings instead of a brass rid now! I see a lot of puppets made this way these days.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Slowly getting done!

I started a new job but its only working on the weekends. I didn't get to work on the puppets very much here lately but here is the red villain! As you can see its most of the way done now, I just have to wait for the magic sculpt to dry and seal the hand control stick to the head then I can hook up all the inner mechanics in the head and paint and he's done then! Not sure how I'm going to do the hands rather like gloves or hands!

Friday, July 5, 2013


I hope every body had a safe and happy 4th of July celebration yesterday! I stayed away from the shop the whole day and spent time with family, today I slept in late but now I'm back in the shop and trying to get these 3 puppets done! Hopefully I will get to magic sculpt their eyes in and mouths and get to painting tomorrow so they get done and on eBay by Saturday or Sunday at the latest if there is no sit backs! There have been plenty of set backs so let's hope for no more! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sammy is being remade!

Sammy was the first professional puppet I ever did, so I decided to change him a little and make a little better hopefully! I've decided that he needed a set of eye lids to change him! Let me know what you think!


I tried to work as much as I could today on the puppets but really only got Sammy's eyes fitted and put on the stand for the eyes but not finished and put in. I also got the hand stick finished fit the red villain and his eyeballs started also. I got to go job hunting in the morning and then will come home and work some more on getting at least them two their eyes and mouth magic sculpted in and get ready for the painting.