Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bloody Mary progress

I'm getting really close to finishing The bloody Mary Puppet. The first picture below is the inside of the head, with her finished hands. Tomorrow, I will have to put the board on the back of the springs to make the self center, do some hand sanding, and work on the hand controls stick. I'm thinking if everything goes right she will be done by Saturday! But I'll put the progress on here as everything goes along. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bloody Mary

I did not get much done on any of the puppets because of family matters. I got Bloody Mary most the way done but the wig won't be here for probably another week and a half.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cave man Neanderthal

So I decided to get the cave man out 1st.  He's got his eyes and mouth in. I started to fill in beside the mouth but on side fell back out so I'll do it again tomorrow. I got his spear started, the knife and the tooth necklace is done other than painting. I got most of his inner mechanics done as well today! I think he will be on Friday for sure! The top picture is the head, 2nd one is the knife, & 3rd pic is the spear!

Bloody Mary

I got both eyes and the mouth in Bloody Mary permanently now! Later on this evening I'm going to put her inner mechanics in the head and get the hand control stick ready to put on tomorrow! She looks so different without the paint but this is what she looks like before! She's about 50% of the way done!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New puppet geisha coming soon

For my customers waiting for a new puppet... I'm working on a geisha that I'm hoping to get done by next Friday (5-29-2015). I have her eyeballs in and her mouth put in today! She will have side to side self centering eyes and a moving mouth! She will have the traditional geisha robe and her hair up in the bun!  I've also been working on a Neanderthal! He will come out the 1st week in June (6-5-2015). He'll have the side to side self centering eyes with brown pupils (already done and in) and moving mouth as well. He will be dressed in the traditional clothing and have the tooth necklace, a spear, and a knife! Lots of costume extras!  He will also have magic sculpt feet!

Bloody Mary progress

Here is the eyeballs I did yesterday that I planned on putting in today but I noticed the eyebrows weren't right so I had to fix them and letting it dry so I won't mess them up. Tomorrow I'm hoping to wake up a couple hrs before work so I can't put the eyeballs in and maybe the mouth as well. I'm wanting to get this puppet done and shipped out within a week!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bloody Mary progress

I got contacted by a customer who bought another puppet and wanted me to remake Bloody Mary for him! I always try and keep the customer up on the progress of their puppets on the blog here. I have her head most the way finished. I still have to sand more then it will be time tomorrow to put the eyes in. I've drilled the holes for the eye balls and painted them and the irises. Tomorrow I install the eyeballs into the head and if there's time I will install the mouth in place with magic sculpt too and the other head mechanics! I took the hands out of the molds today just before I left the shop so tomorrow I have to fix the small air bubble holes with magic sculpt and let that dry before I sand on them.