Monday, June 30, 2014

More sneak at the new puppets!

Here is 3 of the new puppets in the works that's still in the rubber latex process!! By next week I will be making them into the magic sculpt puppets!!! Very excited to see how they turn out!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Introducing Tiki man!

Here is one of the new puppets I've been working on! He is in the beginning stages of the molding process! The rubber latex then the hard mother mold! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New website coming soon!

I've decided after several people suggested for me to start a website to go ahead and start one. It will either be the middle of July or beginning of August before it's started and done but I will have one started this year!!!  I am going to wait to release 4 out of the 5 new puppets and put them on the website when it's completed! I will let everyone know the new website address the minute it's up and running! The other puppet will go on eBay to help me advertise the new website.

Friday, June 13, 2014

What the!!!!!!

I had something happen today that has never happened!the brass rod that moved the eyes just broke off in my hand after everything was painted, working great and ready to be shipped! A feeling told me to check the eyes and eyebrows one more time before shipping him out and when I went to move the eyes the brass rod just broke off in my hand! The top part is still connected to the eyes but about half way down in the neck it just broke off! Any suggestions why this happened?!?!?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Last puppet of the big order!

Last month I sold several puppets and I am finally on the last one! After he's done I should be getting my rubber latex to be starting my new puppets! I'm very excited about them and think the collector and ventriloquist alike will like them! I've got a new girl, Egyptian, and 6 others I've been working on! I've been busy to say the least! Added on here is a picture of Slappy with moving eyebrows that was last ordered! I'm just letting the eyebrows dry and another hand sanding then I'll hook up all the inner mechanics and attach the hand control stick! After that it's paint time then shipping!                          Also I was wondering Paul if you still want me to make the werewolf girl for you. Please let me know.