Thursday, October 4, 2012

Making Another!

Well today I decided that it's time to get back to the magic sculpt and make another puppet! It's going to be made on the order of the Sammy puppet only I'm going to make it a Christmas one! HERE COMES Ebenezer Scrooge! Hope he turns out good! I will keep everyone posted on the progress and when he will be posted on Ebay!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ezmerelda is SOLD!

Ezmerelda is being shipped off to Florida this evening! Now to find a new home for Aunt Mable!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pictures of my puppets I fixed up in the past!

Mr. Demar

Sand Man




Pres. Clinton

Billy Bob

Here is only a few of the conversion puppets/dolls that I made for my own personal collection starting back in probably 2005! I figured that since I haven't really posted in a few days I would show some of my old work from conversion before starting to make professional puppets/dolls! A lot of them Was really messed up when I got them so I gave them a new paint job and new name, while others got a complete make over!

Friday, September 7, 2012


Sorry I haven't been on to write any more posted the latest work on the other puppets. Things have been really hectic here lately and I haven't had any time to work on anything! I did get an email asking if I could re-make these puppets and the answer is YES I definitely can! If you want me to make another one of these four for you just let me know and I will make arrangements, then I will get busy making your order which normally only takes about 1-2 weeks to make then ship it out to you!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Aunt Mable and Ezmerelda

Aunt Mable
Aunt Mable's head is made from Kenny Croes; which to me is one of today's best makers. There is a few makers that I call the best such as Tim Selberg, Mr. Albert Alfaro, Jr., Kenny Croes, and Dan Payes, and Mike Brose! There have been a lot of puppet makers throughout the years that was the foundation of our ventriloquist world but these five are our modern day ones that I think will go down into history!

Aunt Mable's head came from Kenny but was finished and painted by me! She was one of the easiest puppets I ever made! Then there is Ezmerelda! These two women are currently listed on ebay!  Both of them have the self centering eyes, moving slot mouth, raising eye brows, wooden bodies, and double hand shakers on both! I also have videos on youtube! Just push in Ace Gabauer (that's me!) and the two video's should come up. if not let me know and I will get you the exact link! Well these are the 4 puppets I have completed for now, but I do have 2 more in the works that I will post the pictures for you probably tomorrow.

MEET SAMMY and Slappy JR

Slappy Jr
The very top one with no hair is the very first ventriloquist figure that I had ever completed! I learned how to make puppets from the Mike Brose book "PUPPET MAKING CAN BE FUN"... Rather it was fun or not was a mater of opinion with this first one! LOL! It was more of anger issues from mistakes but once I got the hang of it, then it became fun!

The second one I was attempting to make the Goosebumps puppet named Slappy; the horrible evil puppet! As we can see it didn't turn out the way I expected but it still turned out to be a pretty nice figure from the all out view, especially with it being the second puppet I ever made! None of the puppets I make are conversion puppets from the original 13 that's like Charlie McCarthy, Danny O' Day and the original ones, I sculpt all my puppets from clean clay and carve them into the figures that I think I want them to look like then make a mold of them for when I do start a site on the web so I can make multiples. At this time I am only selling on ebay until I get enough puppets that I feel comfortable making a site with! Not that there is anything at all wrong with conversion puppets because I see quite a few that I would love to have in my collection later on when I have the funds to get them!

Start up!

Today I decided to start a blog so everyone can see what ventriloquist puppets I am starting to work on and the progress as I go through making the puppets!  I will post some pictures later this evening on the two puppets I am currently working that is almost done with the basic sculpting stage before they get molded; and on and the four I have completed so far for some feedback! I look forwards to feedback and hearing what everyone has to say! Thanks for checking out my blog and I will try and post daily so check back often!