Tuesday, December 31, 2013

going out with a bang!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and thank you for all the business we did in 2013! I will try my best to get out as many new puppets as I can in 2014! I'm going to be making one of a kind puppets next year so it will be an exciting year for me! I hope I can make the puppet you wish to see next year and we do a lot more business! Be safe tonight and have fun and we will talk next year!

Monday, December 30, 2013


Today and tomorrow is the last days of the puppet sale with free shipping! On January 1, 2014 the prices will go back up to $350 plus shipping! Some I will put on sale for $300 plus shipping (around $16 shipping.) Paul I made the deal with you for the demon already my friend for $250 and I will honor that still! It's my fault it's not done yet so it's still the $250 price! 

Running around!

Here the last few days I have not been able to work on puppets; I've been running around like a chicken with its head chopped off! It's been chaotic! I'll be glad when the holidays are over and things are back to normal! Paul I will get started on the demon puppet soon! I do have her eyes permanently in and she is sanded so when I do get to working on her it won't take long!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jingles the Elf!

I know it's past Christmas; but I figure better late than never! Jingles is for sale on eBay until December 31st at the $250 price! And he is on YouTube so everyone can see him in action moving and a better view of him!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Slappy is in the mail

I got the customized slappy done and in the mail today. I'm finishing up the Christmas elf I started (even though it's probably too late in the season to sell him now), and if the customer wants I can still finish the demon puppet I told Paul I would if he still wants it; but then I'm taking a long break from puppets until the weather warms back up at least! I'm thinking around May or June will be the next new puppet!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy, leaving, sale!

Here lately I have been searching for a new job, because the job I have has not been doing so well in business. The owner closed day shifts completely down except Saturdays and we open later than usual even then! It is now to where I am only getting like 15 hours a week and I can't live off that. I am going to finish the puppet that was ordered and the elf I started and I'm hanging up my puppet building hat for awhile so I can get a new job then kind of get use to it. I'm not permanently quitting, it's just until I find a new job and get use to it then I will probably get right back into make new puppets! For now I am selling any puppets I do have completed on eBay at the sale price of $250 with free shipping. Come January though the price goes back up regular price of $350 with like $17 shipping. Buy them while they are still on sale with free shipping!