Tuesday, December 31, 2013

going out with a bang!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and thank you for all the business we did in 2013! I will try my best to get out as many new puppets as I can in 2014! I'm going to be making one of a kind puppets next year so it will be an exciting year for me! I hope I can make the puppet you wish to see next year and we do a lot more business! Be safe tonight and have fun and we will talk next year!


  1. happy new year buddy, will drive safe, in my flintstone
    automobile, keep those puppets coming, please

  2. haha I like that, the Flintstone automobile! I have a lot of ideas for new puppets for this year when the weather gets warm enough for me to start making them again! Its getting even colder here in Missouri! I went to the work shop to work on the demon puppet and the magic sculpt wasn't even trying to dry from yesterday!
