Wednesday, January 29, 2014

sorry no new post here lately

Here lately I have been working at the old job, working on puppets that sold, and looking for a new career job. I sold another Sammy and he was not even started so I have been working on him and Paul's demon puppet whenever I'm not out job hunting or in church. I just sure wish the weather would warm up so I could work on the puppets more! I'm thinking that by next Monday I am shooting to get both puppets completely finished and hopefully get Sammy in the mail to his new owner and have Paul's puppet completed and on eBay for him to buy her then shipped out to him!
then I can concentrate fully on finding a new job and have a regular schedule to work on puppets!

I do know that after these puppets I am going strictly to working on One of a kind puppets or OOAK puppets where there is only one made of them unless someone directly request another one to be made then I will hand make it. Paul your demon puppet is an OOAK puppet and there will be no other demon puppets made of it so its an original! I will get pictures of it put up whenever I get the chance. I have her completely sanded and today I drilled out the holes for the iris's and the springs in the back of the eyes for the self centering. I tried to make it with raising eyebrows but there is no way that was going to happen with the lines I put on the face for the details. It was not letting the eyebrows raise at all so I removed them and sealed the holes back up. I'm letting the magic sculpt dry for the springs then will finish up with the eyes later tonight and I should be able to start painting on her soon. I also had another idea I wanted to throw past you really quick since you already call for her to be yours. I was thinking that she would look good in all red with the lines going down her forehead to be black with black horns and black eyes with red pupils! Let me know what you think of the idea or if you want her painted differently! I also already made her a pure black costume with a hood that is going to look awesome on her! I know you will love it Paul!


  1. ace, idea just came to me talon/claw feet
    pitchfork eyebrows, can it be done?
    take care

  2. Yes it can be done! I can paint the eyebrows on like pitchforks, that's not a problem. I tried to put eyebrows on the demon but because of the design on her forehead the eyebrows wont move. I can also make the talon/ claw feet but I would have to make them when the weather warms up. Is what the process is to make something like hands/feet is; I sculpt them in clay because I take awhile to make something like that and if I tried to use magic sculpt it would dry up half way through the process. When it is sculpted then I make a mold of it so I can use the magic sculpt to make the product then. It has to be at least 70 degrees outside for the fiberglass mold to dry. Right now it is getting up between the teens and 30 degrees during the day. This spring when the weather gets warmer I plan to make a new set of hands because the ones I made looks to small on the puppets (or at least to me they do! The wife said they look ok but I try and be a perfectionist.) lol. I am also going to make a set of feet and can also make the talon/claw feet!

  3. sorry sounds good, is the head smaller than lets say standard
    junior figure, 30 inch jerry Mahoney?

  4. your heater idea is grand, like I said the demon head is ok
    keep me posted, ok,
