Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The weather is a roller coaster!

Even though it only got in the high 20s today I still worked on puppets! I sold another of the Sammy puppets so I had to stuff the molds today for it! I finished that and took it in the house where it's warm to start drying. Tomorrow I will take it out of the molds and start the sanding process! Thanks to my mother in law, I have an electric Dremel 3000 that she bought me for Christmas so no more stopping to charge the batteries! Here tomorrow I will be able to put the eye holes for the pupils and the holes for the springs in Paul's demon puppet and it's all down hill after that! Paul it will finally be done soon my friend! Since the weather is not in the negative degrees I have been working to get it done with every minute I have! 


  1. hello ace, back on line, good going let me see it
    when you get a chance

  2. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you before now, I have been really busy between job hunting, working at the current job and working on the puppets. I will try and get a picture of the demon on here in a day or two for you!
