Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Progress on jingles

I didn't get as much done today as I really want to do. But, I did get the head sanded again and I got the rings around the hands so that I can put the little clips onto holding onto the arms, I got the Cap and the Magic Sculpt in the holes were the bubbles were. I got the hand control stick cut, and I started to cut the Wood for the body. Then I had to go on a big spider hunt and I killed 8 big spiders! Then I got some bad news from the doctor so I'm going to giving it up for the day! The L5 in my spine is fractured, so I have a broken back. But I'm still gonna work on the puppets until I get it done! Below is a picture of jingle said the progress I've done shows the head that has been sanded and then Hand sanded to make it smooth as glass. I also sanded and hand sanded the hands, the mouth, and tomorrow I have to finish cutting out The hand control stick and finish the body! Then I also have to put in the eyes, mouth, the inner mechanics, and then it's to the paint room!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Meet tiki!

Here's tiki man! I wanted to show my blogger readers before he was put on eBay. It will be a couple more hours but he will be on eBay and on YouTube so you can watch him move around! I have added five pictures below for you to check him out! If you have any questions please feel free to write! Here is the link to his video: http://youtu.be/6Y2gwVUcIiI and his link to see on eBay is: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221563009494?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Progress on jingles

I woke up today and I sanded the magic sculpt that I put on yesterday, I also filled in the Cap with magic sculpt. And there was a few other places that I had to refill magic sculpt after I sanded today. So now it's just a waiting game for to dry. Here soon today I'm gonna go ahead and add the fourth puppet. His name is Tiki. He will be on eBay for sale by tonight, and also on YouTube to see him moving around!

The 4 stooges

I was laying here in bed and I looked up the puppets that was on the shelf I want to chair the picture of the four that was up there

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Working on Sunday

Normally I don't work on Sundays because it's a Sabbath Day. But today I knew I had trying get more on jingles done. So today I sanded, remagic sculpted, and then I realize something is missing! I forgot to do the back of the Head which is called the cap! I will do that tomorrow because  it's almost supper time! I just wanted to keep you updated on everything that's done up to today.The picture below shows the head, mouth, and hands, and the empty cap That I still have to fill in with magic sculpt tomorrow. I still have a lot of sanding, I have to cut out the eyes, add the pointed ears, and a lot more magic sculpt work! I now I have to wait until tomorrow for the Magic sculpt to dry!

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I took jingles out of the mold today in his neck was pretty messed up, it actually got air bubbles in it so I had to put extra magic sculpt. I don't have to wait 12 hours for it to dry. I work all day tomorrow and Saturday so I will be working on him Sunday. Below is a picture with him remagic sculpted.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Taking today off

Normally I work on puppets 6 to 7 days a week. but today I think I'm going to just relax. I had to go to the doctor and to the hospital to get an x-ray. I'm exhausted today. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The making of jingles

I had a customer to customer order jingles again and he would like to watch each step that I do to make him so here we going to start a blog for him now. As of right now I have the head filled, the mouth filled in and both hands filled with magic sculpt. Now I have to wait 12 hrs before taking the Magic sculpted parts out of the molds. Below is a picture of the mouth in the mold, both the hands in the molds,and the head and the mold! I post each step on the blog here as I go along!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Slappy's new latex mold!

Im finally getting around to making slappy's new rubber latex mold. I have to get it done this week because the weather is starting to get to the highs of 70's and the directions say it has to be at least 70 degrees to properly set. I added a picture with slappy in his new latex mold! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Busy with the new characters

Now that I've got two out of the five characters done; every week I was going to release a new one. I still have a Hispanic guy am going to release next week, then Tiki, and then an Egyptian man as a pharaoh. After this I was thinking about making a couple of horror puppets. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Meet sonny!

I couldn't come up with a good name and as my wife and I were taking pictures she said he looks like Sonny from Sonny and Cher! So meet Sunny the newest puppet!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Allergic to magic sculpt!

As I mentioned last winter that I was starting to swell up in my eyes because the magic sculpt; this year it is actually gotten worse I've started to swell in my entire face and I become itchy all over. I'm actually considering switching over to a slush mold; A slush mold is almost like what Kennt Croes and braylu creation does where it's like a plastic Styrofoam kind of stuff. I checked into it a little bit and it's actually 2 chemicals that you put together in the mold and swooshes it around in circles almost like the paint machine at Walmart. After I get done with the set of puppets; the new puppets and I'm putting out, i'm thinking about saving the money up to go ahead and switch over to the slush molds! If you've tried this method before please let me know if it works good!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Virginia For Sale on eBay Now

Here is the link to Virginia's YouTube video: http://youtu.be/W7XIBmllvQ4
Here is the eBay link to buy Virginia: http://www.ebay.com/itm/221546110445?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Meet Virginia!

Here is one of the new puppets I've been promising everyone for awhile. This is Virginia! Virginia is 40 inches tall she has a custom-made wig she is very detailed painted; she has teeth and a tongue in her mouth that moves of course; she has left to right self centering eyes! Virginia is wearing overhauls she has painted detailed hands and the very first set of magic sculpt feet that I have ever made. if you're interested in purchasing Virginia you can go to eBay from the link on the site here and you can check her out or you can go to YouTube and watch her in motion!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Painting day !

I have been painting most of the day so I decided to show you a few pictures of the puppets and parts that are most the way done! The 1st picture is of tiki man! He still has some work of the painting as you can see...  The 2nd picture is of a character I'm calling the new guy until he is finished! The 3rd picture is of an African American hillbilly girl! She looks a lot better with the wig! Then the last 2 pictures are of hands and feet I'm working on!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

What!! I'm a bad singer!

I was working on the puppets and singing to the radio and looked over and the way the hands were on the puppet bodies it made me laugh! The picture says it all!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I feel like I'm being watched!!

One of the days!

I was working on the puppets and it's just been one of the days where everything goes wrong! I was wanting to wake up early today and do a lite sanding and start painting! As I sanded I was making holes! Below are the 3 puppets with holes! It's magic sculpt time! I will have to wait until tomorrow now to sand again and paint, but it's ok! I want the puppets to come out as perfect as possible!