Thursday, September 11, 2014

Allergic to magic sculpt!

As I mentioned last winter that I was starting to swell up in my eyes because the magic sculpt; this year it is actually gotten worse I've started to swell in my entire face and I become itchy all over. I'm actually considering switching over to a slush mold; A slush mold is almost like what Kennt Croes and braylu creation does where it's like a plastic Styrofoam kind of stuff. I checked into it a little bit and it's actually 2 chemicals that you put together in the mold and swooshes it around in circles almost like the paint machine at Walmart. After I get done with the set of puppets; the new puppets and I'm putting out, i'm thinking about saving the money up to go ahead and switch over to the slush molds! If you've tried this method before please let me know if it works good!

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