Friday, December 12, 2014

Plans for next year

I sold, shipped, and make quite a few puppets this year! It has been a successful year. I probably will not put out any more new ones this year (2014). But next year, I have plans to put out a bunch of new ones and I have already started a few of them! Most of them probably will be counted as sci-fi or horror, but that is some of my favorite kind of puppets to build! There will be a few of the; what I like to call happy puppets, but not very many. And from time to time I will also put out some of the old ones that I made upon request. Most of the puppets or figures (whatever you prefer to call them), that I make next year, Will probably be Ooak, or one-of-a-kind. I want to thank the buyers who did buy the puppets this year in 2014! I had all happy customers but one, and he was happy with the actual puppet, but he was not happy with the uniform it was on. I guess the old saying goes you can't please everyone. I also made some new friends!  So I'm happy that everyone like the actual puppets that I made!          Since the ones next year will be Ooak, there will only be one made of that puppet. I look forward to next year, and if you have any request for a puppet or one of the older ones that I made please let me know! Thank you all again for your orders and I hope you really enjoyed your puppets this year and I look forward to next year for making new puppets and making some new friends! Have a wonderful rest of the year and may God bless you all! Merry Christmas!           Sign,  Ace from acesvents! 😊

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