Monday, August 10, 2015

Nothing going right!

The last month to two months I've been working a lot at my full time job so I haven't had anytime to do anything! Haven't worked on puppets, gone to church or anything but work. Then I've been working on the puppets the last few Sunday's, and Monday's and nothing is going right on the puppets! The first picture is an eye socket that broke on me and the 2nd picture is an eye that won't go over all the way!!! Maybe next week will be better. 😖

Monday, July 13, 2015

Visitors from other planets!

Here's a new project I'm working on, and I thought I would show everybody! I have no name for him yet so I'm just calling him the visitor from another planet I'm gonna put two pictures below, one of the front view, and the other is a Sideview! I'm thinking about making the two Arlies below the big one move also! But it's still in the works at this time! I'm hoping to get him done within two weeks

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sorry for all delays

Here lately I have been putting in so many hours at my full time job that it hasn't allowed me to really work on the puppets. I have worked on them what I can and finished up beetle juice that I've been working on for over a month. He's for sale on eBay and you can see him on YouTube. I have the next 3 days off so after I get out of church tomorrow I'm going straight home and working on the puppets. I'm going to try my best to get the 2 preordered done this week if possible but next week latest.

OOAK Professional Ventriloquist Figure/Puppet/Dummy Beetlejuice

Professional Ventriloquist Figure/Puppet/Dummy Beetlejuice

Monday, July 6, 2015


Today I actually got to work on the puppets! Saturday was the 4th and family came over all day. Then yesterday (Sunday 5th), I was hurting in my back still. Friday at work my back felt like something snapped then I felt something move; not a good feeling at all, and the pain came along. Today it's 100% better though! So; I got the 2 puppet heads worked on and the hands. I'm also making a Beetle Juice puppet that will be on eBay this Friday! I'm thinking if things keep moving along on the puppets for the 2 customers that ordered them, they will probably be done next week!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Progress on Nosferatu!

I got the head, hands, mouth, and back of the cap started today for Nosferatu! I work the next 4 days so I know I won't get to work on him a lot but I'm going to be working all the time I can! He was really fun the first time I built him! Sunday I will be able to put up pictures for sure to show the progress at a visual!

Thinking! Might be a good thing!

A customer had a talk with an employee of Aces Vents and when I mail out the packages; I mail them in a Idaho potato box I get from my job. He happen to be from Idaho. He found it funny and I'm glad but It got me to thinking though about professional images. Then I saw a commercial that the guy was excited to see his box waiting on the porch from Amazon. The thought came to me that maybe I should check into a more professional style of box for shipping the puppets. It's going to be more expensive than I thought but maybe I really should do it for appearance and look more professional while doing the hobby that I love! I'll get back and report maybe Monday what I found out and if I will be able to do it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Miscommunications and sleepless

Yesterday I ran into a problem that I've had one other time! I went to sell a puppet to a customer and someone else bought it!!! Oops! I guess I'm gonna have to either have the customer on line at the very moment I post the puppet (and I thought they were this time), or put the puppet at an unreasonable price and adjust it to the agreed price so no one else buys it!now I have to try and duplicate a puppet I didn't make a mold for and get it as close as possible! If it's a one of a kind puppet it's NOT going to be exact! So I'm laying here at 1:30 am thinking about this and worrying I'm not going to get it right to satisfy the customer again!

Monday, June 15, 2015


At my full time job I got a promotion up to manager. With a promotion this means more hours! I finish the Bloody Mary puppet for the customer and got her shipped out early this morning and have done nothing with the puppet company since last Wednesday but work at my full time job. Tomorrow I'm going to be working on the geisha and Beetle juice puppets. I'm going to try my best to get the geisha puppet done by Sunday and get her on eBay and YouTube for everyone!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Subscribe to YouTube!

If you follow this blog, why not check out my YouTube channel at When you get over there, please SUBSCRIBE it's free! By subscribing you will get notifications of my new videos of my most current vent. figures in motion. Please hit the like button on the videos you like or find creepy, LOL! And feel free to leave comments or questions.


Monday, June 8, 2015

Bloody Mary update!

She is drying from the last of the magic sculpt then it's a final hand sand; then she's ready for paint then wig! I'm making her body today so it'll be ready for the legs and arms! She will be done by Thursday morning at the latest! 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Progress on puppets

I haven't got to work on the puppets much the last few days due to the shop flooding out. Water and electric tools don't go together too well. I did get to work on them today some! The cave man will be on tomorrow on eBay and Bloody Mary will be done by Tuesday at the latest; or that's what I'm shooting for and so far everything is working perfectly!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Inner mechanics

I put most of the rest of the inner mechanics in today in bloody Mary. I just got a let them dry, then tomorrow if everything works good,  I have to connect the hand control, put the brass rod in that moves he eyes and magic sculpt them together. Then I just have to hand sand the head and hands Wednesday and magic sculpt the cap for the back of the head on; then Thursday its time to paint!!! 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Bloody Mary progress

I'm getting really close to finishing The bloody Mary Puppet. The first picture below is the inside of the head, with her finished hands. Tomorrow, I will have to put the board on the back of the springs to make the self center, do some hand sanding, and work on the hand controls stick. I'm thinking if everything goes right she will be done by Saturday! But I'll put the progress on here as everything goes along. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bloody Mary

I did not get much done on any of the puppets because of family matters. I got Bloody Mary most the way done but the wig won't be here for probably another week and a half.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cave man Neanderthal

So I decided to get the cave man out 1st.  He's got his eyes and mouth in. I started to fill in beside the mouth but on side fell back out so I'll do it again tomorrow. I got his spear started, the knife and the tooth necklace is done other than painting. I got most of his inner mechanics done as well today! I think he will be on Friday for sure! The top picture is the head, 2nd one is the knife, & 3rd pic is the spear!

Bloody Mary

I got both eyes and the mouth in Bloody Mary permanently now! Later on this evening I'm going to put her inner mechanics in the head and get the hand control stick ready to put on tomorrow! She looks so different without the paint but this is what she looks like before! She's about 50% of the way done!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

New puppet geisha coming soon

For my customers waiting for a new puppet... I'm working on a geisha that I'm hoping to get done by next Friday (5-29-2015). I have her eyeballs in and her mouth put in today! She will have side to side self centering eyes and a moving mouth! She will have the traditional geisha robe and her hair up in the bun!  I've also been working on a Neanderthal! He will come out the 1st week in June (6-5-2015). He'll have the side to side self centering eyes with brown pupils (already done and in) and moving mouth as well. He will be dressed in the traditional clothing and have the tooth necklace, a spear, and a knife! Lots of costume extras!  He will also have magic sculpt feet!

Bloody Mary progress

Here is the eyeballs I did yesterday that I planned on putting in today but I noticed the eyebrows weren't right so I had to fix them and letting it dry so I won't mess them up. Tomorrow I'm hoping to wake up a couple hrs before work so I can't put the eyeballs in and maybe the mouth as well. I'm wanting to get this puppet done and shipped out within a week!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bloody Mary progress

I got contacted by a customer who bought another puppet and wanted me to remake Bloody Mary for him! I always try and keep the customer up on the progress of their puppets on the blog here. I have her head most the way finished. I still have to sand more then it will be time tomorrow to put the eyes in. I've drilled the holes for the eye balls and painted them and the irises. Tomorrow I install the eyeballs into the head and if there's time I will install the mouth in place with magic sculpt too and the other head mechanics! I took the hands out of the molds today just before I left the shop so tomorrow I have to fix the small air bubble holes with magic sculpt and let that dry before I sand on them.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

I've been busy

Apparently it's been a long time since I've wrote on here! I've been working at my full-time job a lot here lately. I haven't really had time to do anything with the puppets. It seems like here lately i'm always on the go! I do have 4-5 puppets started, I just haven't had any time to work on them. I'm working on a beetle juice, a geisha, a scarecrow, And a new cyclops with a topknot of hat and chin hair! Hopefully soon, I'll be able to start working on them again. I had to drive an hour and a half away to go visit my aunt who is fighting cancer again and just a lot of stuff with family. I will try and keep everyone posted on when I'm actually working on the puppets again. I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote on here. It seems like everything is just happening all at once. Getting a lot more hours at my job, Stuff with family, personal business, and it all just keeps adding up! When it does slow down i'll get back to the puppets immediately! Until then, keep safe and keep healthy. God bless you

Monday, April 6, 2015

Bloody Mary

Here is my newest puppet! Bloody Mary! She is up for auction on eBay now until 4-12-2015!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

New strings!

I noticed that the strings on all the other puppet makers puppets were thicker looking, so I decided to join the trend! Lol I went out today and bought the string that held 235 lbs!!! The other string I was using was 100 pound. The picture below shows the difference! The new is the thick on the left! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

What a mess!

The six puppets here in the shop are getting anxious to be done! Their eyes are ready to be drilled out and painted then put in with magic sculpt permanently! Still have a lot of work to do to all of them with little time to do it! Also I've been getting a lot of request for other puppets I've already put out. To much to do with too little time to get it all done! I sure love this hobby! Gives me something to do! Lots of new puppets coming out in the next few months! I will have Oompa Loompa coming out this coming up Friday without failure, the the next one will be Bloody Mary, then a Geisha, then beetlejuice, then a Neanderthal cave man, then a cyclops, and then a scarecrow man!!! Lots to look forwards to! I'm excited to see the finished products!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

New puppet!

I wanted to show everyone what I'm working on right now; its Oompa Loompa from charlie and the chocolate factory! I still have one more light sanding then a hand sanding and he will be off to the paint shop! He will have the orange face with green with white eyebrows and green eyes! He will look a lot better painted! I've got his wig and costume ready to put on him! I should have him on eBay by Saturday; but Sunday or Monday at the latest!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Next 3 puppets!

I decided to share with everyone the next 3 puppets I'm working on and going to put out! The one with the red eyes is going to be Bloody Mary! The one in the middle is going to be a Neanderthal (cave man)! And the one with eye brows and green eyes is going to be an Oompa Loompa! Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Coming Soon!

Meet Nosferatu! He is one of the old classic vampires! Of course he's not done yet! Still a lot of sanding to do still then he goes to the paint room! I will try and get him on eBay this Friday, or Saturday! I have been making a lot of One Of A Kinds (Ooak) and he is one of them! Once he's gone he's gone! I won't be able to make him again! There is a lot of new puppets coming soon and most of them are ooak so get them while you can as they are posted on eBay!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

New puppet! Ooak!

This puppet is going to be my version of Penny Wise the clown from the movie it! He's not completed yet so he may not look a lot like him; but wait until the paint job is done and the wig and clothes are on him! If all else fails he will look cool in my personal collection!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Remake for Paul!

I've been working a lot at my full time job so I haven't gotten to work on this puppet much at all. I know it's not much but here is the eyes finishes and put in, (of course I still have to put the springs in, the board and other springs to make them self center) and the mouth is ready to put in. Here is a picture of the eyes