Tuesday, December 31, 2013

going out with a bang!

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and thank you for all the business we did in 2013! I will try my best to get out as many new puppets as I can in 2014! I'm going to be making one of a kind puppets next year so it will be an exciting year for me! I hope I can make the puppet you wish to see next year and we do a lot more business! Be safe tonight and have fun and we will talk next year!

Monday, December 30, 2013


Today and tomorrow is the last days of the puppet sale with free shipping! On January 1, 2014 the prices will go back up to $350 plus shipping! Some I will put on sale for $300 plus shipping (around $16 shipping.) Paul I made the deal with you for the demon already my friend for $250 and I will honor that still! It's my fault it's not done yet so it's still the $250 price! 

Running around!

Here the last few days I have not been able to work on puppets; I've been running around like a chicken with its head chopped off! It's been chaotic! I'll be glad when the holidays are over and things are back to normal! Paul I will get started on the demon puppet soon! I do have her eyes permanently in and she is sanded so when I do get to working on her it won't take long!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jingles the Elf!

I know it's past Christmas; but I figure better late than never! Jingles is for sale on eBay until December 31st at the $250 price! And he is on YouTube so everyone can see him in action moving and a better view of him!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Slappy is in the mail

I got the customized slappy done and in the mail today. I'm finishing up the Christmas elf I started (even though it's probably too late in the season to sell him now), and if the customer wants I can still finish the demon puppet I told Paul I would if he still wants it; but then I'm taking a long break from puppets until the weather warms back up at least! I'm thinking around May or June will be the next new puppet!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy, leaving, sale!

Here lately I have been searching for a new job, because the job I have has not been doing so well in business. The owner closed day shifts completely down except Saturdays and we open later than usual even then! It is now to where I am only getting like 15 hours a week and I can't live off that. I am going to finish the puppet that was ordered and the elf I started and I'm hanging up my puppet building hat for awhile so I can get a new job then kind of get use to it. I'm not permanently quitting, it's just until I find a new job and get use to it then I will probably get right back into make new puppets! For now I am selling any puppets I do have completed on eBay at the sale price of $250 with free shipping. Come January though the price goes back up regular price of $350 with like $17 shipping. Buy them while they are still on sale with free shipping!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Getting back together

I took the head inside my house so the magic sculpt would dry last night. The mouth works again and it has a new string! I just have to sand a little then repaint and sealer. Below shows the mouth closed and the bottom shows the mouth open. I made it to open more to one side because it's a cyclops so I made it that way for theatrical effects!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Update on elf

I was really hoping to have this guy finished by now but my job has given a lot of hours to work last week so I didn't get a chance. I did get the holes cut out for the iris's and the holes for the back springs but now I have to magic sculpt them in and wait for it to dry for it to be a permanent fix! I hate the cold weather! It's only in the teens for the high today and all week.

Refixing Paul's cyclops

I've been busy putting in a lot of hours at the job last week and just now got a chance to start on the cyclops. I put in a different new spring to tighten the mouth even more as requested, I put in a new brass rod after sanding a groove for it so there is no way for it to come out ever again! Now I got to magic sculpt it all in for a permanent fixture! My work shop is not heated so it may take a few days for the magic sculpt to dry. When that's dry and forever permanent then I will sand ad repaint then reput the sealer coats back on!!! Still lots to do on it but the cold weather is making the process take even longer!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hey Paul! New discoveries

After I sat down looking and evaluating the situation I saw something's that's disturbing. I think the puppet was dropped is what bent the rod on the inside. I took pictures below so you can see. The cup hook in the bottom is bent at an odd position (I'm replacing before sending back), and there is painting missing (which I will repair before sending back).  ( as I put on the investigators hat to think like Sherlock Holmes), "I do believe this puppet has been dropped and hard enough to bend 2 brass rods!" It's not a problem I can't fix though! It will be easy but time consuming.

What the world!!!!!

Paul I got the cyclops head today in the mail to fix him... I saw that the mouth was sticking out some so I barely pulled the mouth and the brass rod that was holding the mouth stationary just fell right out!!! Some how it got bent! Below is a picture of it. That's why the mouth was not properly working! I'm getting started on fixing it now. I'm not sure how this happened my friend but it's being fixed and I truly apologize about the inconvenience of this all. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Been sick

Sorry I haven't written in a few days; I've been sick fighting pneumonia again!!! I've also gotten my hours back at my job with a raise so that's good news! I worked on the puppets a little this morning since I couldn't sleep and kept coughing. Now I have to wait for the magic sculpt to dry and sand after work tonight! Hopefully I will be able to get them done by next Wednesday and get videos on YouTube for everyone; that's if I get to feeling better and get the energy to do it all!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Here is just a few pictures of the crypt keeper and a video of him moving is on eBay 

Crypt keep is on eBay!

I finally got around to making a video for  the crypt keeper puppet I made and he us finally on YouTube to see! My manager is in the process of setting everything up to put him on eBay today for sale!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another new puppet in the works!

I went to church, then out to eat with my wife; now working on the puppets!! Here is a demon I started sculpting!! I was trying different mouths so I borrowed Charlie mcCarthys mouth for this demonstration! I think I like it!! Now I got to start with the magic sculpt so it will be dry by tomorrow! Big day tomorrow; I got a job interview in the morning! Hoping I can be working on the puppets by noon!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

New puppets coming soon!!

As I told you, I have been working on puppets when ever I can. I'm making a new one for Christmas! I haven't seen a new elf on the market in years! This isn't a good picture of it but I think he is looking really good so far! He is going to be a limited edition so there won't be many made of him at all! I'm thinking about only making 5 total! He will probably be on eBay, (or at least I'm working for) as early as the middle of November! Let me know your thoughts!

Happy halloween!

Halloween is one of my favorite times of year! I hope everyone was safe and had a great day! I worked on the puppets a little today then took 2 of my nephews around to trick or treat! I bet I walked over 5 mikes!!! I'm really out of shape I discovered! I'm going to get back on the treadmill next week! Lol

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Not quite done

I was really hoping to have this one on eBay and make a video for YouTube already but I wanted to show you some progress before heading to bed for the night! The top picture is showing the front on of his face with the new teeth and the second one is showing the mouth open and all three teeth I made and put in tonight!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Busy day on Sunday!

I didn't get to work on the puppets today at all. I woke and went to church; then helped my wife take pictures; then carved pumpkins; then watched the walking dead with my dad, littlest brother, and wife, then last I hand washed the dishes then put them in the dishwasher until it was full and now it's 11:50 pm so I'm thinking about watching tv or reading a book until I get tired enough to fall to sleep! I hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend! I'll write more tomorrow when I am working on the puppets!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wanted- New home for the cyclops!

I finally got him 100% complete and is now listed on eBay and You Tube for you to see him moving around live! Right now he is selling for $250 plus shipping! Get him while he is there and at that price!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cyclops is completely finished!

I wanted to finish the cyclops completely today and do the video and put him on eBay but I got a miagrane and slept most the day but I did get cyclops done! I will get the video done and on YouTube and eBay tomorrow morning!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The cyclops

He still needs more paint and I'm going to paint the gums for the teeth a light brown but he is almost finished!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Getting to business!

Now that I didn't have a chance to make any halloween puppets this year; I decided that I have to just make the time to start getting ready for Christmas orders! I spend the last 2 days stuffing molds and making puppet heads so I can stock up and be ready for November 1st! That's why I haven't written on the blog lately. As of November 1st I'm going to relist all the puppets for $250 and I thought about free shipping!!! It's that time of year to start buying Christmas early! If you have any questions feel free to write me! 

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Here in Missouri it's getting cold! I can't make new puppets and molds unless the weather is atleast 70 degrees!! So on this note; starting November 1st, I've decided that I'm going to put the old puppets back up on eBay for everyone a one last shot to get until the end of December!!! On top of this I'm keeping them at the $250 price! I'm also going to have 3 new ones on by then. They will be the cyclops, crypt keeper and a pilgrim ghost!! Any of them will make for a good present for the ventriloquist or collector!! I will post pictures as I finish each one! I will try and have one of each in stock until it sales then I will start a new one quickly!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cyclops is almost done!

I left work early today because I didn't feel too well so I started painting on the cyclops! Here is like a rough start for him! And yes, he will have that one brown eye when he's finished!

Monday, September 30, 2013

not again!!

Sorry I haven't been writing on the post here much... Every time we get fully staffed at my job it seems that someone messes up and gets fired and I have top cover their hours! I have been working a lot again and been working on the puppets when I'm not too exhausted! I am getting ready to start painting the Cyclops today and then put his hand control and hook all the mechanics up to it! I will get you a picture as soon as I can of him!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Work in progress!

So I promised to take a picture for everyone once he was out of the mold so here's the crypt keeper so far! There is still a lot of work to be done but he doesn't look too shabby so far!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

He's moving right along!

I agree that the brown eye looks the best! I got off work at almost 5pm today so I decided to come work on the puppets! I finished molding the one and started working on the cyclops last night before bed and today I'm going to put the magic sculpt in the new mold! The new one is going to be the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt; that is if he turns out! I will get pictures once he is out of the mold!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The one eye!

I am starting to work on the cyclops and his one big eye! It's starting to move along!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

News on the cyclops!

I got him out of the molds yesterday so today I put some fix up magic sculpt on him and sanded some! He still has a little ways to go but I wanted to keep everyone updated! The first picture is a front view. I have to redo the teeth but that will be easy! The 2nd picture is the side view! Let me know what you think of him!

New puppet!

I'm now sure what he's going to turn out like but here is the new puppet I'm working on making a mother and latex mold for! The 2nd picture is of his mouth and the 3rd picture us of a hand! I will post more on him when he's out of the molding process!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Working on puppets!

I been working at my full time job a lot of hours but we finally hired more people so I will get more hours for the puppets again!!! I put the magic sculpt in the mold for the Cyclops and it turned out not bad at all! I also started working on a different puppet with sculpting clay! I will take a picture of the cyclops for you tomorrow when I go back to the shop. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The cyclops is working

Today I over slept for church so I got up and started the rubber latex on the cyclops! I'm excited to get the molds done and start the real head (magic sculpt)!! I have a lot of ideas for halloween puppets that I want to make but some will have to wait until next year because I've been working a lot at my job and won't have time to get them all out in time! Also I'm checking into starting an actual website as well!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hours, hours, and more hours!

I haven't wrote on the blog for awhile because I've been at my job doing a lot of hours! I'm looking forwards to starting the rubber latex for the cyclops tomorrow! I can't wait to get him into a magic sculpt head! It's always exciting to see how a sculpted head turns out in the end!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Not much work done today; in fact did nothing at all. Esmerelda arrived safely and the customer was satisfied though!! Makes for a good day! I did order the more magic sculpt to make the new puppets I've been working on! I'm going to make the cyclops, a vampire, werewolf, a girl zombie, a ghost lady, pin head, and maybe Jason Vorhee's as a kid with the white hockey mask on, and try the possessed lady from the conjuring! The last two is maybe's! I'm going to try and get them all out by October 1st if things go well!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Cyclops hands!

Well you know me; I'm like a little kid with a new toy when I get an idea! I couldn't wait so I made the hands for the cyclops! If I had the days I would start the rubber latex on them but I better wait until next Sunday so I have 3 full days off to do the molds right!!! It's just so tempting to start it now!!!


I will be finishing up on the details of the cyclops the next few days since I finally got home from the hospital today with my wife! I will start the molding process next Sunday when I can work on it for 3 days straight and probably have it done  by the 2nd week in September!! I'm excited to get it started soon now! Also I'm gonna do a zombie one as well for halloween!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

4 to go!

My original plan was to get rid of all the puppets I had in inventory so I could start on the next line of puppets! There is still 4 more puppets to sell at the sale price of $250 by the end of this month so I can get out the halloween ones! At the end of this month (september1st) the remainder puppets will go back up to $300 with the new puppets coming out!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Esmerelda is shipped!

I finally got her done and in the mail to her new owner!!


I have wonderful news for the owner of Esmerelda; I will probably be mailing her out to you today if things keeps going well! I posted many pictures of her eyes going left to right and self centering! Also her eye brows lifting for you! I just have to fix the eye brows so they down lift so high or they will get caught in her wig! I have to finish making her arms and legs and get them on the body after her paint job and while the sealer is drying on the paint and she will be done! Thanks again so much for you patience while I took care of my wife while she was sick! Your an awesome customer sir!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to the ER again. :(

Well my wife has been sick for a week with fevers and pain.. We have been to the ER everyday for shots to ease the pain.. Today she started throwing up so we are back to the emergency room that seems to not be doing anything but giving out shots like crazy! It's time to quit relieving the pain and start finding the solution of what's causing the pain and cure that so the pain goes away permanently! Between work and the ER I can't seem to get anything done!!   ;(

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I found the problem for mechanical problems!

I worked all day on trying to fix the eyes on Esmerelda and I FINALLY founded the problem after making 3 sets of eyes for her! Lol!! I feel like I just won the lottery I'm so happy!!!!!!  If it does fix her I will paint her tomorrow and get her mailed out very soon to her new owner that has been awesomely awaiting patiently!!  I have never had this kind of problem ever with making a puppet! Glad I figured out the problem so she can get done!

Friday, August 16, 2013

On break at work

I haven't wrote in a few days because yesterday and today I have put in a lot of hours at work... Tomorrow is the same way; lots of hours (about 12 1/2 hours a day).. Sunday I will get busy on the puppets again

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

One down 4 to go!

I still have 4 more puppets for the inventory clear out sale! The bold old man puppet sold so I still have Sammy, the blue super hero, the brainy red villain, and Freddy Kruger! If the person from the haunted house orders the zombie puppet I have to get busy on him as well!

Hospital-hospital-post office!!

Today is going to be a hospital kind of day! I have to take my dad for eye surgery today. Then my wife is sick with a fever of 103 degrees since yesterday, so if she isn't feeling better after I get home she gets to go to the hospital! I also sold the bold old man puppet so if there is still time I have to package him up and take home to the post office to go to his new home! Busy busy day!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Inner mechanical difficulties

I had most of the work done on Esmerelda puppet and i thought for sure I was going to magic sculpt in and paint her later yesterday evening but the eyes wouldn't move!!!  I thought at first that it was the inner part of the eye sockets so I sanded them more and it still wouldn't work! Eventually I decided that it was the springs on the back of the eyes that had moved when the magic sculpt was drying and was preventing the eyes from moving properly so today I'm making a new set of eyes for Esmerelda! I really wanted to get her mailed out today.  ;(

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Esmerelda's eyebrows are drying and the eyes are drying so they will be ready to magic sculpt in either really late tonight or early in the morning! I'm getting ready to fill the molds for her hands so I can take them out in the morning ad sand them as well and get them ready for painting! I'm thinking if things keep going well she will be mailed Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest! Things are moving right along!

Finally getting to work on puppets!

The last week at work I had to put in a lot of hours so I haven't been able to work on the puppets but I'm off for three days now so it's time to work and get done all I can! I'm setting a goal to finish the Esmerelda puppet for the customer that already bought her. Sorry it is taking so long. Hopefully I will be able to write and tell you she is being mailed tomorrow or Tuesday! I'm going to put all concentration on her the next 3 days until she is done!

Friday, August 9, 2013

2 down 5 to go!

I have now sold Esmerelda and now Slappy jr so 5 more puppets to sell this month before I start making more puppets! Kind of excited the puppets are selling but sad to see them go! It's weird I know! Hahaha

No work done today

I was stuck at work all day today so I wasn't able to work on the puppets at all today!  The bad thing is that it's 3am and I have to be back to work in a couple hours for 12 straight moe hours and I have to get slappy mailed out before work in 5 hours! Thanks to the buyer of him!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The new wig

The wig for Esmerelda fits like a glove! I hope the new owner likes! Now I got to rush off to work!