Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sorry no post here lately

Sorry I have not posted for a while. Normally I work some long hours 3 days a week at my full-time job. But they've had a lot going on. Lots of private parties, which means extra hours for me! Yay! Bad thing about this is, it takes away from my puppet building times. I am painting jingles today and tomorrow he's being shipped out. He should be there within a week! Also for the others reading the post awaiting new puppets; sorry I have not got the Egyptian out yet! This is the busy time of season for my full-time job, but I will work on him as much as I can to get The Egyptian puppet done. I do have a lot of ideas for new puppets and I am looking forward to building them when I get the time. Thank you so much for your patience and I will be writing you soon! Have a wonderful day.

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