Monday, December 29, 2014

This has just been an awesome day!

I love the new heater! I'm able to work all day long in the shop and still be warm! It doesn't warm enough to hurry the drying process for the free form sculpt; but it's still drying! I filled one of the new molds for one of the new puppets! I also cut the wood for 7-12 bodies! I still got more to cut but the picture below shows what's done so far! This shows the top (shoulders), bottom and the sides! I still have to cut out more tops and then the little dowel for the center; and then put them all together, and then cut the hole for the hand control then sand all the edges smooth; but that will be tomorrow evening when I get back from taking my dad to the city for a dr appointment which can take most of the day! Tomorrow I also have to fill another puppet head and a set of hands!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

It's warming up in the shop!

Since I bought the Free Form sculpt instead of the magic sculpt; it takes longer to dry and in the cold I've waited 3 days for it to cure and it never did so I got a heater so I can start working on the puppets more in the winter! Let's hope this works so my productivity can pick up! Here is a picture of my little heater! 

What a gift

Last night when I got home at 11pm my wife gave me a gift I have wanted for a long time; A Fender guitar!!! I was so excited so I had to share. Below is a picture of it! What a beautiful sound it makes; and isn't it a beauty!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The eyes

Here is what the eyes look like sitting in the head. Of course they are not permanently in yet so they wasn't centered well. The head still has a lot of sanding to get the head smooth. Let me know what you think of the eyes so far! I think when this puppets done it's going to be an auction style on eBay!


Here is a set of eyes for one of the new puppets I'm making. I figured that since it's an evil puppet its eyes shouldn't be white! It's not a good picture but the eyes are a yellowish with grey iris!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Plans for next year

I sold, shipped, and make quite a few puppets this year! It has been a successful year. I probably will not put out any more new ones this year (2014). But next year, I have plans to put out a bunch of new ones and I have already started a few of them! Most of them probably will be counted as sci-fi or horror, but that is some of my favorite kind of puppets to build! There will be a few of the; what I like to call happy puppets, but not very many. And from time to time I will also put out some of the old ones that I made upon request. Most of the puppets or figures (whatever you prefer to call them), that I make next year, Will probably be Ooak, or one-of-a-kind. I want to thank the buyers who did buy the puppets this year in 2014! I had all happy customers but one, and he was happy with the actual puppet, but he was not happy with the uniform it was on. I guess the old saying goes you can't please everyone. I also made some new friends!  So I'm happy that everyone like the actual puppets that I made!          Since the ones next year will be Ooak, there will only be one made of that puppet. I look forward to next year, and if you have any request for a puppet or one of the older ones that I made please let me know! Thank you all again for your orders and I hope you really enjoyed your puppets this year and I look forward to next year for making new puppets and making some new friends! Have a wonderful rest of the year and may God bless you all! Merry Christmas!           Sign,  Ace from acesvents! 😊

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Puppets on sale!

I'm thinking about putting the 5 puppets I have made already, (Sonny, Virginia, the demon, Tiki, and Jose), on sale on eBay and etsy for $175 each for the buy it now price! I'm wanting to clear the space so I can make more. That's almost for what it cost to make them! It's a great deal! I will probably lower the price on them Monday (12-8-2014)  but if anyone wants them sooner just write me and I will list them for you earlier than Monday! You can contact me on eBay or here on this blog and I will list them on eBay for you immediately at the $175 price!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Some of the old figures

Today I started making some of the older figures I first made. Not sure if I'm going to sell them or just keep them for my personal collection. This consist of slappy, blue super hero, Sammy, the cyclops, and maybe a freddy puppet! (These are the ones I started at least for now). Every time I make a puppet I put it on eBay and sell it. I thought it would be nice to just make one of each and keep it for myself! Is that being selfish? I'm not sure if any of the other makers keep any that they make, but I started making puppets because I really like them and never keep any. I think it will also be like an inspiration for me to keep on making them! If I ever make myself the whole collection I will make a video and show all of them. I figured up that I will have about 45-47 puppets total. (This would include the basic pull strings like the celebrity puppets I've collected as well as the ones I've made with magic sculpt and the ones I've converted from the celebrity ventriloquist puppets to different puppets!)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

No new post

So here lately for the last couple weeks, my wife and I have been watching one of our nephews. He's a really sweet kid! He's only three, and he's an uncle's boy. When he's here he demands my attention so I have not been working on the puppets. Plus it's been very cold!! As soon as I do start working on them again I will let you know. If I get another order where I have to build a puppet I will also be posted on here as I build it. Until then keep warm!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rest well Ray Guyll

Today we lost a very good puppet maker Ray Guyll. May he rest in peace. Prayers going out to the family and friends. Ray you will be missed.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy Halloween!

It looks like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers has already been here! Look at all the heads, hands, and feet in the box! It looks like a total slaughter!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

New resin

So I was trying to find a lighter, cheaper way to make the puppet heads and hands instead of magic sculpt so I decided to try a smooth on product called free-form sculpt. Not too sure if I like it! It looks like magic school except for the hardener is brown instead of a dark gray! In the original resin is almost like Goo! It's really super soft and even when you mix it with The hardener it still doesn't harden up like magic sculpt! I went on and filled one of my molds with it though just to see how it would work. It says on the container that it turns into a plastic like when it's dried after 24 hours! Here's a picture of The containers. Tomorrow I'll show you what the product looks like whenever straight out of the mold. After it's in the mold it looks just like magic sculpt though! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sleep! Aw!

Normally I have a horrible case of insomnia, but here lately I've had the opposite of insomnia! It feels good to get some sleep, but then again since I'm not used to sleep I'm tired all day! It's kind of like I'm tired but you just don't feel like doing anything! Oops! I could just be being lazy! LOL! I've actually been working a lot of my full-time job so I don't have much time to work on the puppets. I have a couple of puppets in mind that I'm going to go ahead and start tomorrow though. I hope that they work out good. Also I've noticed a couple of my customers I had bought puppets that their friends (on several customers), are calling me the shiny puppet man! LMAO! It's really funny actually I like it! I've seen some of the other puppet makers where their customers called her puppets junk! So to be called the shiny puppet man is not so bad! LOL 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A puppet building book!

I've been asked many times how to build a puppet and I can tell a lot of people, but if they are like I am, i'm a hands-on person. The number one suggestion that I do have for people is how I learned how to build puppets. If you go to puppets and The site is owned by Mike Brose. He wrote the book called "puppet making can be fun"! It is a really good book to learn by. I highly recommend this book, for this is how I got started on making puppets. And if you have any questions, Mike Brose or myself will be more than happy to answer any questions. Any of the puppet makers for that matter would probably help you out with any questions. But don't sell the puppets to make a living, I tried that and it did not work! You got to make the puppets for the love of the art of ventriloquism! I did it to start off because I love ventriloquist puppet's. I got my first puppet when I was a young kid at probably around five years old. I have been collecting them every sense! So I originally started off just making puppets that I wanted for my collection. But then I got really sick and in a financial crisis and the only thing of any value that I knew I had was the puppets. So now I make puppets to sell only so I can get the money to buy more products to Buy and build more puppets mainly for my collection! But if you're really interested in making puppets I would highly recommend you go to the site at and buy the book from Mike Brose and get started on step by step instructions today!

Sorry no post here lately

Sorry I have not posted for a while. Normally I work some long hours 3 days a week at my full-time job. But they've had a lot going on. Lots of private parties, which means extra hours for me! Yay! Bad thing about this is, it takes away from my puppet building times. I am painting jingles today and tomorrow he's being shipped out. He should be there within a week! Also for the others reading the post awaiting new puppets; sorry I have not got the Egyptian out yet! This is the busy time of season for my full-time job, but I will work on him as much as I can to get The Egyptian puppet done. I do have a lot of ideas for new puppets and I am looking forward to building them when I get the time. Thank you so much for your patience and I will be writing you soon! Have a wonderful day.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Progress on jingles

I have been working a lot at my full-time job. Plus I've been sick lately! I had to work yesterday but after work I came home and I put the brass rod in the top of the head,The cup hooks to hold the springs to help with the self-centered eyes, his hands were they had gloves on, and today I put the board on the back of the springs of the eyes to make them self-centering! The weathers only been getting in the high of 60's magic sculpt doesn't dry quick unless it's at least 70 so I've been doing the waiting thing as it dries. Below is a picture of the hands with the gloves before they get painted, and the inside of jingle head with all the inner mechanics. I just have to let the magic scult on the boards dry, and I can go ahead and put the strings in the springs in and connect to hang control stick. Then it's to the paint room which won't take over two days!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Dr's X-rays and ct scans!

Here lately I have been going to a lot of dr appointments because of my broken back. I did work on jingles yesterday though! I got his ears and filled in beside his mouth. Tomorrow I have to put the eyes in and the cup hooks for the strings and springs! I'm trying my best to get jingles done this week though.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Progress on jingles

I didn't get as much done today as I really want to do. But, I did get the head sanded again and I got the rings around the hands so that I can put the little clips onto holding onto the arms, I got the Cap and the Magic Sculpt in the holes were the bubbles were. I got the hand control stick cut, and I started to cut the Wood for the body. Then I had to go on a big spider hunt and I killed 8 big spiders! Then I got some bad news from the doctor so I'm going to giving it up for the day! The L5 in my spine is fractured, so I have a broken back. But I'm still gonna work on the puppets until I get it done! Below is a picture of jingle said the progress I've done shows the head that has been sanded and then Hand sanded to make it smooth as glass. I also sanded and hand sanded the hands, the mouth, and tomorrow I have to finish cutting out The hand control stick and finish the body! Then I also have to put in the eyes, mouth, the inner mechanics, and then it's to the paint room!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Meet tiki!

Here's tiki man! I wanted to show my blogger readers before he was put on eBay. It will be a couple more hours but he will be on eBay and on YouTube so you can watch him move around! I have added five pictures below for you to check him out! If you have any questions please feel free to write! Here is the link to his video: and his link to see on eBay is:

Progress on jingles

I woke up today and I sanded the magic sculpt that I put on yesterday, I also filled in the Cap with magic sculpt. And there was a few other places that I had to refill magic sculpt after I sanded today. So now it's just a waiting game for to dry. Here soon today I'm gonna go ahead and add the fourth puppet. His name is Tiki. He will be on eBay for sale by tonight, and also on YouTube to see him moving around!

The 4 stooges

I was laying here in bed and I looked up the puppets that was on the shelf I want to chair the picture of the four that was up there

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Working on Sunday

Normally I don't work on Sundays because it's a Sabbath Day. But today I knew I had trying get more on jingles done. So today I sanded, remagic sculpted, and then I realize something is missing! I forgot to do the back of the Head which is called the cap! I will do that tomorrow because  it's almost supper time! I just wanted to keep you updated on everything that's done up to today.The picture below shows the head, mouth, and hands, and the empty cap That I still have to fill in with magic sculpt tomorrow. I still have a lot of sanding, I have to cut out the eyes, add the pointed ears, and a lot more magic sculpt work! I now I have to wait until tomorrow for the Magic sculpt to dry!

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I took jingles out of the mold today in his neck was pretty messed up, it actually got air bubbles in it so I had to put extra magic sculpt. I don't have to wait 12 hours for it to dry. I work all day tomorrow and Saturday so I will be working on him Sunday. Below is a picture with him remagic sculpted.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Taking today off

Normally I work on puppets 6 to 7 days a week. but today I think I'm going to just relax. I had to go to the doctor and to the hospital to get an x-ray. I'm exhausted today. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The making of jingles

I had a customer to customer order jingles again and he would like to watch each step that I do to make him so here we going to start a blog for him now. As of right now I have the head filled, the mouth filled in and both hands filled with magic sculpt. Now I have to wait 12 hrs before taking the Magic sculpted parts out of the molds. Below is a picture of the mouth in the mold, both the hands in the molds,and the head and the mold! I post each step on the blog here as I go along!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Slappy's new latex mold!

Im finally getting around to making slappy's new rubber latex mold. I have to get it done this week because the weather is starting to get to the highs of 70's and the directions say it has to be at least 70 degrees to properly set. I added a picture with slappy in his new latex mold! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Busy with the new characters

Now that I've got two out of the five characters done; every week I was going to release a new one. I still have a Hispanic guy am going to release next week, then Tiki, and then an Egyptian man as a pharaoh. After this I was thinking about making a couple of horror puppets. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Meet sonny!

I couldn't come up with a good name and as my wife and I were taking pictures she said he looks like Sonny from Sonny and Cher! So meet Sunny the newest puppet!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Allergic to magic sculpt!

As I mentioned last winter that I was starting to swell up in my eyes because the magic sculpt; this year it is actually gotten worse I've started to swell in my entire face and I become itchy all over. I'm actually considering switching over to a slush mold; A slush mold is almost like what Kennt Croes and braylu creation does where it's like a plastic Styrofoam kind of stuff. I checked into it a little bit and it's actually 2 chemicals that you put together in the mold and swooshes it around in circles almost like the paint machine at Walmart. After I get done with the set of puppets; the new puppets and I'm putting out, i'm thinking about saving the money up to go ahead and switch over to the slush molds! If you've tried this method before please let me know if it works good!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Virginia For Sale on eBay Now

Here is the link to Virginia's YouTube video:
Here is the eBay link to buy Virginia:

Meet Virginia!

Here is one of the new puppets I've been promising everyone for awhile. This is Virginia! Virginia is 40 inches tall she has a custom-made wig she is very detailed painted; she has teeth and a tongue in her mouth that moves of course; she has left to right self centering eyes! Virginia is wearing overhauls she has painted detailed hands and the very first set of magic sculpt feet that I have ever made. if you're interested in purchasing Virginia you can go to eBay from the link on the site here and you can check her out or you can go to YouTube and watch her in motion!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Painting day !

I have been painting most of the day so I decided to show you a few pictures of the puppets and parts that are most the way done! The 1st picture is of tiki man! He still has some work of the painting as you can see...  The 2nd picture is of a character I'm calling the new guy until he is finished! The 3rd picture is of an African American hillbilly girl! She looks a lot better with the wig! Then the last 2 pictures are of hands and feet I'm working on!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

What!! I'm a bad singer!

I was working on the puppets and singing to the radio and looked over and the way the hands were on the puppet bodies it made me laugh! The picture says it all!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I feel like I'm being watched!!

One of the days!

I was working on the puppets and it's just been one of the days where everything goes wrong! I was wanting to wake up early today and do a lite sanding and start painting! As I sanded I was making holes! Below are the 3 puppets with holes! It's magic sculpt time! I will have to wait until tomorrow now to sand again and paint, but it's ok! I want the puppets to come out as perfect as possible!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The new guy!

So I thought I would release another character that's coming out for the new collection! I know most people like what I like to call the "happier puppets". So I'm making some if them before I release more horror style puppets. But don't worry horror fans I'm still with ya! I'm coming out with a line of horror later on as well! I have about 200 puppets in mind that I'm going to be releasing before I quit! So it will be a long while! Also if there is a style of puppet you would want me to make just let me know! I would be more than happy to give it a try! Paul I've been thinking of ideas for the female werewolf if you still want her. The demon is still on eBay for you!

Time flying by

I was sick almost all last week and worked my full time job a lot. This week I started magic sculpting all the mouths in, the brass rod for the string to pull the mouths open, now letting that dry before I put the springs in the eyes to make them self center! I also got all the bodies made! Slowly getting them done so they will be out very soon!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Well hi Paul!

I tried to respond on your post the other night but it wouldn't let me. The demon puppet is on eBay for you my friend!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The pharaoh

I just wanted to show the progress of the pharaoh that I did today. I made his nose, sanded his mouth out some and evened up his little chin beard! Let me know what you think of him! Tomorrow when the magic sculpt dries from today; I will give him some bigger ears!

A good laugh!

I was working on the puppets here in the garage and the post lady brought the costumes for the new puppets; she walked up and saw all the puppet heads and she got a horrified look on her face and threw the boxes in a wet chair and ran!  Lol. I couldn't stop laughing!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Their watching me!!!

Today I put in all their eyes! I didn't get done not even half as much as I realty wanted to! There needs to be 48 hours in a day! Below is the pictures with some if their eyes

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The unfinished feet

As I promised; here is a close up of the new feet. I still have to handstand them to make the really smooth, but to the most part they are basically what I wanted and had in mind when making them!

The pharaoh!

Here is another puppet in the works; he the pharaoh! Of course he still has a long ways to go

Monday, August 4, 2014

Heads and the pair of feet!

I silenced them by taking their mouths and eyes!!!  Lol !! Here are a few of the puppets I'm currently working on! I'm hoping that within 2 weeks you will start seeing them on eBay! Also; I decided to hold off on making the website until I have at least. 20 puppets to put on. A variety is always good ! In the corner on the bucket is the puppet feet! They still need sanding but once their ready I will take a picture and show you a close up as well!

Working on the new puppets

I've been busy at work and also on the puppets on all my days off. I'm now working on 5 puppets and going to be making 3 more to make it 8 total I will be working on at the same time! I also made the set of little puppet feet! I will try and get some pictures on here tomorrow for everyone to see, also I will post some pictures of the puppets I'm making! I ordered the wigs for some of them today and some other decorations for the puppets! I'm also redoing my version of Freddy Kruger with the new eye system and a sweater that Freddy wore and a hat! Hopefully he will sell soon after he's done!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Busy day today!

Today I did the fiberglass mother molds for the feet, a new puppet head, and tiki's mouth. I also drilled out the eyes for 9 different puppets; then I painted them; then used sealer to protect the paint! With the new eye system I'm using the eyes are against the head snug so when I went to paint the last 2 the eyes had trouble moving since there was no play room. I'm thinking smart from now on and painting the eyes before putting them in! I work the next 2 days so I won't be posting anything new until Sunday or Monday.

The eyes

This is a pile of eyes! I took all their eyes so they can't see where I'm hiding! Lol! Actually, I drilled all the holes for the brass rods to go through and also for the springs and pupils. I'm going to paint and sealer the eyes before I out them in the heads. I have 9 eyes in that pile!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More rain. :(

I'm not sure if I'm a bad planner or not but everyte I go to make the fiberglass mother mold it rains!!!  I have to make it outside because of the fumes. I made the mistake of trying it inside and during the winter once! I made that mistake and will never do it again! The fumes went up through the vents and it was an over powering smell.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The feet and a new puppet

Here is the pair of feet and a new puppet I sculpted! They are just now in the rubber latex stage and almost done! Next step is the fiberglass mother mold! In the back ground is a lot of puppet heads so I decided to take a picture for you of them too! Lol

On their way home!

The Dr's 2 puppets are on their way to him as of today!  Hope things turn out and he loves them! Now it's back to making the new puppets!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Ending progress for the good Dr!

I had to work a lot this week so the weekend I didn't get to work on the puppets at all! The good news though; is I got up today after 3 hours of sleep and been working all day on the puppets! They are being painted today and a few coats of sealer the mail them out to the good Dr tomorrow! Just a few small things like painting the eyeballs, gluing the iris in and the wig for Esmerelda!